Pump Sealing Basic Guide

Despite the fact that seals are a part of our everyday life, many people don’t notice their value. No matter if you are a beginner or an expert, finding the right seal for your project can be confusing. There are two main types of sealants you’ll need to choose from: mechanical seals or packing seals. This will all depend on your unique project. Below you will find a pump sealing basic guide so you can decide which one is right for you.

Pump Sealing Basic Guide

Packing Seals

Packing seals are the most common and widely used sealing solution. They use rope-like materials that wrap around the shaft of a pump. This fills the dead space and reduces fluid loss. In most cases, packing seals are the top choice for rotating equipment applications. It has a wide variety of benefits and can help make your job a lot easier in the short- and long term. Consider the following benefits of packing seals the next time you need to determine your seal options.

  • Cost-Effective: Unlike mechanical seals, packing seals are most cost-effective. They have lower up-front costs and it is cheaper in the long run if they are properly taken care of.
  • Smooth Installation: The ease of installation and the total turnaround time for packing seals is fast and efficient. This not only saves you time, but also money. The installation of packing seals does not require the decoupling of the drive shaft. This is a major advantage as compared to certain mechanical seals.
  • Low Maintenance: Packing seals are less complex in regard to maintaining the equipment and the related inventory.
  • Durable: Unlike mechanical seals, packing seals can withstand radial movement and misalignment much more effectively. For machinery that is frequently moved axially, packing seals are the best option. Packing seals are just much more forgiving compared to other sealants.
  • Versatile: Packing seals can effectively operate on machinery that is in average to good condition. This is unlike mechanical seals as they require the machinery to be in good condition and operate reliably.

Mechanical Seals

While there are major benefits to packing seals, mechanical seals are also an effective seal option. A mechanical seal is just like a packing seal in the sense that it is used to provide a seal at the entry and exit points of a rotating shaft. The seal itself often has flat faces that allow the shaft to turn while maintaining the seal. It is very difficult for leakage to occur with mechanical seals if they are installed properly. Consider the following benefits the next time you need to figure out which seal is right for your project.

  • Safety: If you have a substance that absolutely cannot leak due to safety or environmental issues, it’s important to go with a mechanical seal. One of the major benefits of mechanical seals is their effectiveness in terms of safety.
  • Low Repair Costs: Mechanical seals are more expensive as compared to alternatives. However, their repair costs are low as they do not require a lot of maintenance. As long as they arrive installed effectively they can prove a great long-term investment. There is less wear and tear due to their effectiveness which reduces the need for replacement.
  • Specialized Equipment: For unique and specialized equipment, mechanical seals are preferred. They are designed to withstand much more in terms of durability as compared to other options.

Real Seal Specialty Seals

If you are unsure what type of sealant you need, contact the experts at Real Seal Specialty Seals. They manufacture and distribute seal products and mechanical component goods. Their team of experts can help you find which seal is right for you. Check out their website today for more information!

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How Rubber Is Manufactured

Rubber is a dynamic material used in a variety of products. In fact, it’s highly likely that you use rubber products on a daily basis. From your shoes and clothing to windshield wipers and tires, rubber is a major component of a variety of everyday products. You may wonder, how is rubber manufactured? Below you will find some interesting information on the origins of rubber and why it is such a valuable resource that impacts our everyday lives.

How Rubber Is Manufactured: Natural vs Synthetic Rubber

It’s no surprise that rubber is used for so many products as it is a highly versatile material. The use of rubber dates back to over one thousand years ago. While rubber was originally manufactured from natural resources, the high demand for the resource has resulted in the creation of synthetic rubber. Modernly, most rubber is made from synthetic materials.

Natural Rubber

Traditionally, natural rubber is derived from liquid sap from certain types of trees. The liquid sap is referred to as “latex” and is derived from the stems of the tree. There are thousands of trees that produce the latex sap, but the most abundant tree is the “rubber tree.” The rubber tree is native to areas in South America and Southeast Asia, but can also be found in areas on the continent of Africa.

The sap is taken from the trees through a process called “tapping.” Tapping involves the collection of the sap from the rubber trees by making cuts in the bark and collecting the cups of sap that come from the tree. Once the rubber tree is tapped, ammonia is added to the sap so it doesn’t solidify. Then acid is mixed with the sap and ammonia to extract the rubber. The process involves the use of rollers to remove the excess water from the mixture, which results in layers of rubber. The rubber is then dried out in a smokehouse over a period of a few days. Once the drying process is complete, the rubber can be used for processing rubber-related products.

Synthetic Rubber

The process for extracting natural rubber can take days, which historically did not meet the demands for rubber globally. The high demand for rubber incentivized scientists and experts to create a synthetic alternative. Rubber was in high demand during World War I, which is when the first synthetic rubber was created. The rubber could not compete with natural rubber. However, due to technological and manufacturing advancements, synthetic rubber is now just as good in terms of quality and durability as natural rubber.

The Process of Preparing Rubber

While natural and synthetic rubber are highly similar in terms of quality, they both require processing in order to turn into a product. The process can differ depending on what the final product of the rubber is. However, the steps are somewhat similar. Chemicals are added to rubber to ensure that it remains stable. Rubber can naturally become brittle in cold temperatures and sticky in warm temperatures without a stabilizer. The rubber is then molded and shaped into either rollers or hollowed tubes.

The last step involves a heating process known as vulcanization. This process involves the rubber being cooked, oftentimes with sulfur, to create strong links between the molecules. This helps with the longevity and durability of the rubber as it can now be shaped into the final product.

Real Seal Specialty Seals

Rubber is a commonly used in sealing and mechanical applications. If you need top-quality rubber seals for your home or office, contact Real Seal. They manufacture and distribute specialty seals and have their own in-house chemist that can help develop sealants specific to your unique needs. Contact the team Real Seal specialty seals for any of your sealant needs.

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Ways to Seal Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can be a pain as they have the potential to cause significant damage. It’s essential to call in an expert as soon as possible to get to the bottom of the issue. Trying to fix the issue yourself can cause you more of a headache in the long run due to the time and money you put into it. Piping experts can also ensure that your piping is up to code due to their experience and knowledge of the industry and your locality. If you can’t get an emergency plumber to come right away, below are some ways to seal leaky pipes in the meantime.

Ways to Seal Leaky Pipes

Maybe you can’t get an emergency plumber to your home right away. Then you’ll need to address the issue as best as possible until they arrive. The following methods are helpful short-term fixes. But should not be utilized as a long-term fix for your leaky pipe.

  1. Cut Off Water Supply: Cut off the water supply to your home. This may cause some inconvenience in the short term. But it can save you time and money in the long run. The damage that water can do to your home can cause major short- and long-term issues. If you know which pipe leaks, turn on the lowest faucets connected to that pipe. This is often an outdoor water faucet. Let the water run out until the pipe is empty so it doesn’t damage the inside or foundation of your home. Find the leak in the pipe, wipe of the area, and put a bucket underneath to catch any leftover water that didn’t run through the faucets.
  2. Use Epoxy Putty: If you can locate the pipe that has a leak, you can use epoxy putty to fill in the area. Use protective gloves to mold the putty as it can harm your hands once it warms up. Wrap the putty completely around the area of the pipe where the leak is and make sure it’s at least one-half of an inch thick. You’ll need to let it solidify for at least ten minutes, but it should be a short-term fix until a plumber comes. Try not to use the faucets connected to that pipe unless it is absolutely necessary.
  3. Use a Clamp: If you have PVC or copper pipes, you can use the clamping method. You’ll need to get pipe clamps and rubber gaskets to create a tight seal where the leak is. Be sure to measure the leak as you’ll need a clamp that is wider and longer than the actual leak. Once you fit the clamp around the leak, you can tighten it up to ensure a leak-free pipe in the short term. 

Real Seal Specialty Seals

Your home piping is integral to the successful function of your water system and home. So it’s crucial to address leaks as soon as possible. The pros at Real Seal are skilled in addressing piping issues as they are a credible manufacturer and distributor of specialty seals. Their experts can help you determine if you can fix your existing system. Or if you need to completely repipe your home.

Established in 1970, Real Seal specialty seals have had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. Real Seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products, mechanical component goods, and specialty seals. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact the top seal manufacturer today with any questions you have related to your sealing needs.

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What Is Hermetic Sealing?

Sealants are necessary in a variety of different facets of life to ensure the preservation of certain products or machinery. This is because sealant are substances that essentially block the passage of fluids or air through the surface, joints, or opening in certain materials, machinery, or piping. There are a wide variety of sealants depending on your needs. If you have heard of hermetic sealing and wondered, what is hermetic sealing, you are in the right place. Below you will find more information on what hermetic sealing is, it’s historical evolution, and what it is used for.

What is Hermetic Sealing?

Hermetic sealing is essentially a watertight and airtight sealant. The process of creating an airtight seal can be done with plastics, epoxy resins, glass, metals, and ceramics. The difference in the types of hermetic seals depends on the application, the materials used, and actual process behind it. There are many ways to make and apply a hermetic seal. However, consulting with a professional can help ensure your project will be successful.

The History of Hermetic Seals

In very early alchemy, the first hermetic seal was an airtight glass tube. It was known as the Seal of Hermes. The process of hermetic sealing was named after Hermes and “hermetic traditions. Hermes was a Greek God, and hermetic traditions were what gave rise to alchemical experimentation. Despite the original hermetic seal being glass, as mentioned above, many materials and applications can be used to create the hermetic seal modernly.

Modern Hermetic Sealant Uses

There are a wide variety of uses for hermetic seals. This is because contact with water and air can damage certain things. Whether it’s a sensitive electrical connection or even food preservation, hermetic sealants essentially protect from the intrusion of air and water. Below are some of the common examples hermetic seals are used for.

  • Semiconductors: These can be damaged if they get connected to water or even water vapor. It is vital to ensure they are carefully sealed and protected.
  • Electronics: Almost any electronic device can be impacted by water. It is important to keep them protected as they are often expensive and can be crucial to certain industries. For example, cell phones, medical equipment, and computers. These all prove examples of electronics that cannot come into contact with water without issue. Hermetic seals can protect electronics and ensure they last longer.
  • Foods: Canned foods require a hermetic seal in order to be preserved. Without it, they will have a very short shelf life and quickly deteriorate. Vacuum seal kitchen gadgets are also beneficial in ensuring that food lasts longer.
  • Common Home Items: Thing such as lightbulbs, eco-friendly windows, and your thermostat are all hermetic seals. Everyday items in your house even! In addition, batteries, your television, and home computer all require hermetic seals to remain long-lasting products. 

Specialty Seals

Seals remain integral to the successful function of many large and small items. So it proves crucial to have the proper seal for the job that needs doing. The pros at Real Seal remain skilled in hermetic seals and determining what works best for your unique needs. Real Seal exists as a manufacturer and distributor of seal products, mechanical component goods, and specialty seals.

Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions. All for sealing and mechanical applications. They rank as one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry. So Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact the top seal manufacturer today with any questions you have related to your sealing needs.

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What Kind of Seals Are Used in Space?

Just like on earth, seals and sealant-related products are used in outer space. In fact, due to the dangers that come with space travel, it’s likely even more important to have reliable mechanical systems due to the potential volatility and hostility of the environment. When a spacecraft is launched off of earth and into space it requires a wide variety of features, specifications, and equipment to keep the crew safe, keep the spacecraft intact, and maintain communication systems. You may wonder what kind of seals are used in space to ensure all of this happens as it is a much different environment than planet earth. Below you will find more information on seals and how they effectively operate in space.

Space Malfunctions

The importance of sealants in space is clear as destruction can occur without them. In fact, several major, life-altering issues have arisen due to equipment malfunctions. A 1995 electrical issue could have taken out the Columbia space shuttle. Just five seconds after liftoff an electrical short circuit caused the controllers in the main engines to malfunction. Even worse, in 1972, an electrical malfunction happened on a NASA jet which caused the loss of instrumentation during a bout of bad weather. This resulted in the astronaut ejecting himself from the aircraft.

While technology has advanced since the 1970s and 1990s, there is still a lot of room for error. This is why having proper safety equipment, seals, and functioning is vital both on earth and in space. NASA is well-versed in space-related sealants in order to ensure safety protocols are met.

What Kind of Seals Are Used in Space?

In order to meet the electronic requirements necessary to fully function in space, manufacturers have created special connectors that have been made specifically for the elements in space. The special connectors are much different as compared to those on earth as both environments are vastly different. With that, the connectors in space are a reduced weight and size. This is to account for the environmental differences.

The connects are referred to as hermetically-sealed connectors. They have unique flex pin gold-plated contacts that are both polarized and coated with liquid crystal polymer insulators. The housing alignment system and pin-to-socket durability is what differentiates these in terms of their ability to be used effectively in space. The connectors can be surface-mounted, through-hold varieties, and even flex tails are available for flex circuit use. NASA has specific instructions on the evaluation and qualification of parts for use in the space programs. Space-grade connectors, such as the hermetically-sealed connectors, are similar to military-grade connectors. With the space program becoming more and more sophisticated as technology advances, adjustments have been made to ensure that these are as close to fail-proof as possible.

Specialty Seals

Seals are integral to the successful function of mechanical equipment and other important electrical systems in space. So it’s crucial to have the proper seal for the job that needs to be done. The pros at Real Seal are skilled in mechanical seals and determining what’s best for your unique needs. Real Seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products, mechanical component goods, and specialty seals.

Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact the top seal manufacturer today with any questions you have related to your sealing needs.

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What Causes Household Leaks?

Leaks can cause a lot of damage to your home, in addition to wasting water, time, and money. This can lead to major health issues as unwanted organic growth can make you and your whole family sick. The difficult aspect about home leaks is that you likely won’t know when it has formed. This means that you need to protect your home by checking your pipes regularly to ensure they are in good shape. It’s important to know what causes household leaks so you can prevent them. Below are the most common causes of household leaks.

Most Common Causes of Household Leaks

Piping specialists have determined the most common causes of leaks in your home. Be sure and check your home piping so you don’t experience any of the following.

  1. Broken Seals: Seals are often put around all of your water connectors at the time your appliances were installed. However, seals can be found all over your home and garage for a variety of reasons. Due to the sheer fact of time those seals may weaken, wear out, or break. Look for condensation around your appliances and their respective seals, as this can be an indicator of a broken seal. If you find puddles of water around them, then it is most definitely a broken seal.
  2. Corrosion: Depending on how old your pipes are, they could be susceptible to corrosion. This is especially true if your pipes have an older plumbing system as they are at a much higher risk for corrosion as compared to more modern plumbing system models. If you notice discoloration or warping in your pipes, it’s time to call a piping specialist.
  3. Clogged Drains: While a clogged drain is definitely annoying, some clogs can lead to major damage. A clogged drain can overflow into your home and even burst your pipes. In the meantime, you should keep your HVAC systems and gutters clear to prevent serious damage. However, if you notice a clog, it’s best to address it as soon as possible.

Three More Causes

  1. Increased Water Pressure: Uneven or excessive water pressure can put extra stress on your pipes. This can cause leaks as pipes are only built to withstand a certain amount of pressure. A piping specialist can help alleviate the issue by measuring your water pressure.
  2. Pipe Joint Damage: The spots where your pipes connect are called joints. They are often the weakest point in your piping system. As time passes, your pipe joints can cause leaks due to deterioration. When this happens, you’ll likely hear a ticking or banging noise when you turn on the hot water. This needs to be fixed quickly due to the potential damage it could cause.
  3. Temperature Changes: Rapid temperature changes can cause major household leaks. This is because extreme temperature changes can cause your pipes to quickly expand and contract. The rapid change causes cracks in your pipes and can lead to major leakage.

 Real Seal Specialty Seals

The pros at Real Seal are skilled in specialty seals and can help you determine what’s best for your home. Real Seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products and mechanical component goods. Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. The Real Seal specialty seals are the best on the market and do not disappoint. Contact the best seal manufacturer today with any questions you have related to your sealing needs.

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Types of Mechanical Seals

All types of equipment, systems, and mechanisms require mechanical seals to properly operate. Mechanical seals are products used to seal openings of joints. The purpose of mechanical seals is to:

  • Form a barrier that protects against external contamination
  • Limit fluid leakage
  • Contain pressure

Types of Mechanical Seals

Depending on the specific needs of the equipment. These types of seals are required in a variety of industries as certain equipment is dependent on the technology. Some of the industries include the medical field, military machinery, electronics, marine work, construction, and medical equipment and devices. Below you will find the most common types of mechanical seals and their respective details.

Most Common Types of Mechanical Seals

Depending on your profession and needs, there are a variety of mechanical seals to accommodate your needs. 


Gaskets come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and materials due as they are one of the most common types of mechanical seals. They are often made with a flat, thick, and flexible coating. Most often gaskets find use to fill the area between the flat portions of stationary components (machinery or equipment) to prevent leaks.

Bellow Seals: 

These seals can find use for two purposes as they can function as a primary seal for dynamic systems. Also, the function as a spring for reciprocating equipment. Bellow seals also have a secondary seal that is static and made of plastic, metal, or thick flexible coating.


We also referred to these as “packing.” They exist as circular mechanical seals that can find use in stationary or dynamic machines, equipment, or systems. Thus, their shape is designed to stay within the connections between two different components. Still, the mechanical seal is meant to be a fluid-tight seal that can withstand major pressure and tremendous temperatures.

Labyrinth Seals: 

For systems or equipment that have components that rotate, labyrinth mechanical seals can provide non-contact sealing movement. The reason: they have an inner and outer ring which can rotate due to its grooved path. Thus, this helps restrict fluids from getting in or out of the specific component.

Cartridge Seals: 

The main benefit of cartridge seals is that they are quick and easy to install and remove. They are available in tandem, double, and single configurations. Still, we comprise them of:

  • A shaft sleeve
  • Seal
  • And gland plates 

So, they prove one of the few self-contained and pre-assembled mechanical sealants.

Radial Shaft Seals: 

These mechanical seals compose of a metal and a thick, flexible diaphragm, in addition to a spring-loaded sealant lip. These should to prevent leakage. They serve as stationary seals that wrap around the entire perimeter of a system that rotates. We often refer to them as “lip seals” due to the unique spring-loaded sealant lip and how we use them to prevent things from getting in to the system. 

Seal Manufacturer

Because mechanical seals are integral to the successful function of machinery, equipment, and other important systems, it’s crucial to have a professional help when looking for just the right seal. The pros at Real Seal have skill in mechanical seals and determining what’s best for your unique needs. Real Seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products and mechanical component goods. 

Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact the best seal manufacturer today with any questions you have related to your mechanical sealing needs.

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Rubber Seal Deterioration Causes

While rubber may seem impenetrable due to how flexible it can be, it can definitely deteriorate under certain circumstances. This can cause major problems depending on what and where it breaks down. Rubber deterioration can happen due to a variety of factors, including heat, light, and other environmental factors. It most often impacts rubber seals and O-rings. Below you will find out the most common rubber seal deterioration causes and how you can prevent it.

Rubber Deterioration Defined

Elastomers are a natural or synthetic polymer that has elastic properties. Rubber is an example of an elastomer as rubber is stretchy. Due to the nature of the material, rubber can deteriorate over time. The most common causes of rubber deterioration include light, heat, and oxygen exposure. Things like rubber seals and O-rings are susceptible to deterioration due to the molecular changes these factors cause. They can significantly impact the mechanical properties, which results in a shorter lifespan of the rubber seal.

Rubber Seal Deterioration Causes

Light, heat, and oxygen exposure can cause physical and chemical changes to rubber seals. When exposed, the chain of molecules begins to break down. Light damage is referred to as UV degradation and can cause rubber to become hard, crack, char, and even fade in color. Heat has the effect of shortening the molecular chains which causes the material to stretch once cooled down. The continuous contraction and expansion lead to the same issues that light exposure causes. Oxygen attacks the double bonds in rubber chains, which leads to deterioration. While each of these issues causes damage to rubber seals, they can be prevented with the right preparation. 

Rubber Deterioration Prevention Tips

It’s important to note that before rubber is manufactured, an analysis is done to predict its response to conditions that cause both stress and strain. With that, you’ll still need to properly care for your rubber seals to ensure they last. Once you have them, they need to be stored in a cool, dry, dark, and oxygen-free space. These are the most optimal conditions to store your rubber seals. It’s best to buy specialty seals in bulk to ensure they are all in the same or similar condition.

If you have rubber seals that show signs of deterioration, there are ways you can get them back to life. If you follow the proper restoration techniques, you can get your rubber seals at least back to functioning properly. 

  • First, clean the area around the rubber seal, including dirt, water, or any other debris. 
  • Second, scrub off the excess grime or hardened debris to prevent any future deterioration. 
  • Third, you’ll need to check what products will work for your specific type of rubber in terms of conditioner. 
  • Once you’ve found the right type of conditioner, apply it to your rubber seal. 
  • Lastly, buff off the damaged areas using a file and reapply the conditioner for optimal restoration.

Specialty Seal Manufacturers

Because rubber seals often are parts of machinery and other important products, it’s important to have a professional help in the case of deteriorated seals. While the restoration techniques above can help restore your rubber seals, consulting with specialty seal manufacturers can help. Real seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products and mechanical component goods. Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact Real Seal today with any questions you have related to your rubber sealing needs.

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What Areas Need Industrial Seals?

What areas need industrial seals? Machinery and industrial equipment consist of a number of parts that work together to fully function. Certain parts of machines are different in how they function. This can create issues if they are not sealed properly. For example, some parts are static and others are rotating. This can run the risk of creating an opening between the two components. This can diminish the overall performance of the machinery making it less effective and possibly unsafe depending on the type of machine.

Industrial seals can remedy the issue and help with the machinery’s performance. So, as technical as this may be, it’s important to understand what a machine needs as there are a variety of types of equipment that require industrial seals. Below you will find the most common areas where industrial seals are needed.

What Areas Need Industrial Seals?

There are major benefits to using industrial seals when the machinery requires it. They are highly important parts that are likely the number one priority when it comes to your equipment. However, finding a sealant professional that is experienced and understands their function is highly important to find before you move forward with purchasing anything.

Die Casting:

Die casting equipment work for casting metal. So, metal casting requires forcing molten metal under high heat into a mold. Industrial seals are necessary for this equipment to function well and remove the risk of leakage.

Farm and Agriculture Equipment:

This type of equipment is outdoors. So, it gets exposed to UV rays and the elements, they can easily get contaminated. So, using an industrial seal can protect the equipment from contamination, harm, and even help increase productivity.

Clothing and Textile Manufacturing:

Due to the mass quantities that textile machines produce, industrial sealants are necessary. Various types of sealants prove crucial for this type of equipment, including:

  • Mechanical
  • Shaft
  • Teflon
  • High-performance polymers

So, these all work in the construction of the sealants needed. This allows for functions like compact spinning and continuous rotations needed to produce the products.

Publishing Printers:

Industrial Teflon seals often appear in publishing printers due to the mass quantities put out from these machines. So, this helps with performance as the printer requires continual movement for printing.

Cheese Manufacturing:

If it wasn’t for industrial seals, we just may not have one of our favorite foods! If you have ever seen the cheese-making process, you know it involves a lot of machinery. Still, that machinery is continuously moving and requires a number of seals, including pneumatic, spring, and energized seals.

Concrete Pumping Machines:

Because concrete is such an important component of many of our structures, it’s clear why the machines are integral to production. These machines require specially designed industrials as the pumping function is unique on this machinery. These packing seals prevent blockage that could be dangerous if there are issues with the pump.

Cars and the Auto Industry:

Industrial sealants appear in cars and other automobiles. They help with issues like leakage. Some of the seals comprise of rubber and polyurethane. And, this helps ensure proper automobile functioning.

Specialty Seals

Real seal is a manufacturer and distributor of specialty seal products and mechanical component goods. Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. Now, they offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for industrial sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact Real Seal today with any questions you have related to your industrial sealing needs.

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Best Sealing Materials

Whether you are building a new home, renovating, or working on a commercial building, sealing materials are a vital component to the structural integrity of the building project. With so many factors going into a construction project, decisions like choosing your sealing material may feel overwhelming. With that in mind, a sealant professional can provide all of the information necessary. However, it does not hurt to know the basics yourself. Below you will find information about the best sealing materials and why they are so important. 

The Importance of Sealing Materials

Sealing materials are embedded in the joints of buildings to ensure both air and water tightness. Without sealant, your home or building will be vulnerable to the outdoor elements, like wind, rain, snow, and debris. Issues such as water damage can arise without proper sealant.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Sealing Material

It is best to consult with a skilled professional about which sealant is right for your specific project. However, there are multiple factors to consider when choosing your sealant material.

  • Air Tightness: Wind can bring debris and water into your building. So having an air-tight sealant is vital for the long-term safety of your structure.
  • Water Tightness: Similar to airtightness, ensuring that water cannot penetrate your sealant and the joints of your building are important. Water damage can lead to mold and a variety of other health risks.
  • Bonding Performance: A good sealant won’t have issues bonding to various surfaces. The material has one purpose. And the initial bonding is vital for overall performance.
  • Heat Resistant: Depending on your structure, the surrounding areas, and the geographic location this may differ depending on your needs. However, resistance to heat is vital for the sealant to stay intact long-term.
  • Age Resistance: While renovations do happen, having a sealant that can last decades is important as you don’t want to have to constantly address sealant issues. 
  • Tension-Compression Cycling Performance: Structures inevitably move even if it is slight. A sealant needs to maintain its integrity when it is both stretched (tension) and pushed together (compression) without causing sealant issues.

Best Sealing Materials

Finding the right sealing material for your project can be the difference between peace of mind or a headache later on. Depending on your project and the joints being sealed, your sealant will likely vary. For example, outdoor joints will require sealant materials that are water and age-resistant. At the same time, expansion joints require sealant materials that are strong enough performance-wise for a lot of tension and compression.

For the best sealant materials specific to your project, specialty seal manufacturers can provide you with curated formulas to ensure your sealant will last. Materials such as EPDM, fluorocarbon, silicone, NBR, and HNBR can be utilized. And a seal manufacturer can create a formula with specific technologies to meet your specific needs. With the amount of money allocated to construction, the sealant is not an area to spare any expense. It is essentially the glue that holds the integrity of the structure together. It’s important to do your own research, but consulting with a professional is the best decision for the long-term strength of your building project.

Specialty Seal Manufacturers

Real seal is a manufacturer and distributor of seal products and mechanical component goods. Established in 1970, the company has had decades of experience in the industry with excellent consumer satisfaction. They offer a wide variety of performance-oriented plastic and rubber solutions for sealing and mechanical applications. As one of the most technologically advanced companies in the industry, Real Seal maintains a fully equipped laboratory with a full-time chemist and technical staff. Contact specialty seal manufacturers today with any questions you have related to your sealing needs.

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