Why are O-Rings so Useful?

O-rings are a delightful invention used to prevent unwanted materials from passing through joints and construction gaps. Without O-rings, a lot of developments would be rendered ineffective and ultimately obsolete.

Today, we at Real Seal want to discuss the benefits of O-rings and just how vital they are to our functions every single day. From their invention to their modern applications, there is a huge need for O-rings. They truly drive the industry, and here’s why.

Their Invention

O-rings are more historic than you may think. They were first invented in the early 1800s, although they were not as functional as the ones that exist today. However, like many great things, they were invented by Thomas Edison as a testament to his wit and genius.

The O-ring we know and love today was invented later by Niels Christensen. He was a mechanic by trade and developed this patented O-ring to completely influence and change the way mechanics are engineered for the rest of time. They were invented just in time for the dawn of World War II, in which O-rings were used as effective seals against foreign materials when building large war machines.

Their Uses

O-rings are used for a variety of different applications in the industry. Since they are so affordable and incredibly easy to install, they can be used in so many ways. They are good at going through a considerable amount of wear and damage, making them one of the most versatile tools as well.

They are typically used in equipment like hydraulic cylinders, movable pipes, and even in laptops and gaming peripherals. They completely own the aerospace industry, as they are used to seal machines both large and small against any outside media.

They have even been used in NASA projects, although they have even seen improvements since then.

How They Work

O-rings are essentially gaskets that are shaped like rings. They are typically used in a groove and compressed between two mechanical parts. They create a seal between these two parts, protecting them from the invasion of any foreign material. They can block fluid, debris, and other media from coming into the other parts of the machine. They are a very versatile seal that the industry cannot do without.

They fill the gap between two mechanical parts, blocking water or air from escaping. This is what makes hydraulic and air-powered machines so effective, since their source of power has no means of escape. Once pressure is applied, it uses this force to seal against the groove.

O-Ring Benefits

O-Rings have a variety of different benefits that make it easy to create mechanical devices today. They can be adjusted to cover a wide variety of temperatures, pressures, and heat tolerances. They are super easy to install, and never require any kind of tightening or readjustment. And since they don’t require any tightening, you never have to worry about them causing structural damage to your device.

They can seal in more than one direction, making them effective for more complex mechanical devices. They are also very symmetrical, allowing you to seal in any direction you please.

Not to mention that they are affordable. They are lightweight and take up very little space, especially when compressed. They can resist aggressive and corrosive materials and chemicals that might otherwise damage the machine. And if an O-ring were to ever fail, the problem can be noticed right away and resolved before any real damage is done.

Invest in Competent and Professional Goods Today!

We can do what we do because of O-rings and the structural benefits they give us today. If you are interested in investing in the best seal products around, get in touch with us to discuss your options. We’d love to hear from you! You can contact us online or give us a call at (800) 542-6162 today.

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