Automated vs. Manual Machinery Maintenance

Taking care of the machinery utilized in various industries can be a time-consuming and occasionally hazardous task. To help alleviate these issues, many companies have opted for automated maintenance systems, be it in the form of automatic greasing systems or by ensuring they use the right type of seals to keep applications running efficiently without the need of much oversight or repeat maintenance.

But what are the pros and cons of automated machine maintenance versus manual machine maintenance. That’s what we’re going to answer today.

Health Factors

When it comes to health and safety, it’s hard to deny that automated systems can be incredibly beneficial. By removing the need for an individual to go in and clean or adjust different components, it reduces the risk of them potentially hurting themselves.

This point is particularly applicable when it comes to larger machinery that can have a wide range of potentially deadly parts that could cause serious harm if something was to go wrong. Imagine a crushingly heavy peripheral suddenly collapsing while an employee is performing maintenance. While such occurrences are rare, they’re still possible.

But when an automated or semi-automated system is used, it can ensure that employees are out of harm’s way should the unforeseen occur. In this event, the worst case scenario is the automated system being damaged or destroyed – a far smaller price to pay.


While some automated systems can be a little hit and miss, a large majority are very effective at their job. By having your machinery maintained by automated systems or products, it means less time is spent by individuals on keeping machinery in top condition. By extension, this means the machinery will experience less downtime and employees can better focus their time on other tasks, increasing overall operational efficiency.

By having the right seals on different applications and machinery, it means there will be less spills and potential malfunctions. Seals may not be an automated system, but they permit applications to run with greater autonomy without issues arising.

Longer Operational Life and Less Costs

With the right systems in place, machinery and applications will ultimately have longer operational lives. As a result, there will be less downtime and a decreased need to repair or replace machinery, thus resulting in less overall costs. As with anything, automated systems are an investment, but choosing the right ones will save you money in the long run.

When it comes to seals, it’s imperative to choose the right material. If your applications are dynamic (e.g. they move around), then you’ll need a dynamic-friendly sealing comprising the right materials. What material you opt for depends on, for example, factors such as the operating temperatures of the application and the types of chemicals the seals may come in contact with. By knowing these factors and having the seal designed to exact specifications, you’ll find they will last far longer than other seals.

To ensure you have the o-rings and seals for your machinery or application, contact Real Seal today.