Most Common Water Pump Failures

Your water pump is essential to the functioning of your entire unit, whether you are working with a coolant piece or a larger part of a hydraulic machine. There are several failures that can cause your water pump to start working; however, our Real Seal experts want to get to the bottom of the issues and let you know right from the source.

If you’re struggling to get your parts to work, and you are experiencing water leakage and other signs of failure, don’t despair. By diagnosing the issue together, we can determine the best course of action for you, whether that means investing in more specialty seals or repairing your unit altogether.

Signs of Water Pump Failure

Before investigating what exactly can make your water pump fail, we should first take a look at some of the signs and symptoms of failure. When your water pump is failing, you will likely notice:

  • Coolant leaking from the weep hole or other entry points
  • Dripping or seeping water from all areas of the pump
  • A crack or break on part of the machine

Everything seeps water every so often, but what does it mean when the leak gets stronger and stronger?

It’s time for a diagnosis.

Take a Look At Your Seals

The first and one of the most important things you want to do is to take a look at your specialty seals and O-rings. If they are damaged or improperly installed, it can wreak havoc on the entirety of your water pump.

The right kind of lubrication can help your seals stay intact for a long time to come. You can use oil or coolant to lubricate your O-rings; but never use a sealant that can create a blockage in the weep hole. That will cause a water backup which will definitely damage your machine.

See Signs Of Rust

Rust is always a bad sign, but especially when it is covering your water pump. If your pump is not pressurized correctly, or if there is a break in it, then air and water can enter from the outside. This exacerbates the rust, forming deposits of minerals and other materials on the inside. This will certainly cause your pump to fail, and water leakage may or may not be a part of it.

Look For Cracks

Obviously, coolant is needed to lubricate and ensure the smoothness of the various components of your water pump. But did you know that too much coolant can cause your pump to crack? Likewise, starting your machine before adding coolant can make your machine break down quite quickly.

Never start the machine or engine before enough coolant is added. This can make breaks and cracks in the seals, which will then lose their integrity and break your water pump over time.

Be Wary Of Bubbles

Also known as cavitation, bubbles can form within your machine when vapor creates cavities in the liquid. As you may guess, this causes the pressure within the pump to change drastically, completely messing up the components of the pump. Plus, if this pressure were to build up too much, it can cause an implosion, shocking some of the systems within. Make sure that all of your liquids and components are properly measured before turning on and using your machine.

Invest in Better Specialty Seals With Us Today!

At Real Seal, we are the real deal. Our specialty seals and O-rings are built to last, withstanding a variety of pressures and forces. If you need help with a new water pump, or you need a closer diagnostic look at what’s going on with yours, our professional team is here to help. Simply contact us online or give us a call at (800) 542-6162 to speak with a representative.

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